How to make a sword banner
How to make a sword banner

Mount (Ex)Ī samurai gains the service of a loyal and trusty steed to carry him into battle. Each samurai’s challenge also includes another effect, which is listed in the section describing the samurai’s order. The challenge remains in effect until the target is dead or unconscious, or until the combat ends. The samurai takes a –2 penalty to his Armor Class, except against attacks made by the target of his challenge. The samurai can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day for every three levels beyond 1st, to a maximum of seven times per day at 19th level.Ĭhallenging a foe requires much of the samurai’s concentration. This extra damage is equal to the samurai’s level. The samurai’s melee attacks deal extra damage when made against the target of his challenge. As a swift action, the samurai chooses one target within sight to challenge. Once per day, a samurai can challenge a foe to combat. Samurai are proficient with all types of armor (heavy, light, and medium) and shields (except tower shields). Samurai are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, plus the katana, naginata, and wakizashi. The following are the class features of the samurai. The samurai’s class skills are Bluff ( Cha), Climb ( Str), Craft ( Int), Diplomacy ( Cha), Handle Animal ( Cha), Intimidate ( Cha), Profession ( Wis), Ride ( Dex), Sense Motive ( Wis), and Swim ( Str). Starting Wealth 5d6 × 10 gp (average 175 gp.) In addition, each character begins play with an outfit worth 10 gp or less. Note: The samurai is an alternate class for the cavalier base class. In either case, samurai make powerful allies, capable of withstanding nearly any harm while dispatching their foes with deadly precision. Other samurai become ronin, striving to serve an ideal without paying fealty to a lord. As such, samurai can sometimes be found with other adventurers, taking the fight to the enemies of their masters.

how to make a sword banner

Role: While typically sworn to the service of a lord, a samurai is usually given free reign as to how he performs that service. He is an honorable warrior, dedicated to the realm and the leaders that guide it. In him, the common folk see honor and sacrifice.

how to make a sword banner how to make a sword banner

The samurai is often the most trusted soldier in his lord’s employ. Some even learn how to effectively use firearms, if they are available. The samurai takes on his training with zeal, learning the way of the blade (typically a katana), the bow, and the horse. Trained from an early age in the art of war and sworn to the service of a lord, the samurai holds a position of power and respect in many lands, often serving as the voice and justice of the local noble. Few warriors are more dedicated to honor and the code of the warrior than the samurai.

How to make a sword banner