Once counting themselves of the First Men and of the Old Gods, they have turned from culture and faith, now better known for Andal heritage and their faith in the Seven. House Durrandon: The ancient kings of the Stormlands, this might house claims lineage back to the oldest of ages, to the Age of Heroes. For decades you had warred over the Sister isles, until they had admitted defeat and surrendered any and all claims. Historical Enemy: As the oldest of the Andal kingdoms, you have had a strong history of war and conflict with the First Men to the north.Rebels: While the nobility is united, there yet remains an particular society of outcasts hidden in your mountains, groups and clans descended from the First Men that once populated these lands.Purity & Zealous: Due to their distinct origins as the first Andal kingdom in Westeros, the bloodlines and faith of the Vale lords are perhaps purer and stricter than others.Isolated: Located on a corner of Westeros and nearly bordered all around by seas, they have little in the way of land-ties with most of the other kingdoms.United: House Arryn has ruled these lands for centuries and longer, and suffer no powerful rival in their midst.Incredibly Defensible: Located within the mountains and vales of the east, the Vale is near-impregnable to many an army.Fertile: Despite their mountainous and rough terrain, the valleys of this kingdom are bountiful indeed, feeding it's people and leaving plenty for winter stores.Notably insular, they have no natural allies, and a notable internal enemy in the mountain clans that resist their royal authority. Long having been enemies of House Stark in battles over the Sisters, they have since grown wary of their Ironborn neighbours, House Hoare. House Arryn: Rulers of the Vale they are named after, House Arryn stands as the oldest and purest of the Andal Kings that rule in Westeros.